Star Gazing in Arches Park

Jul 3, 2011 Sun0National Parks

There are other things still to blog about but I wanted to get this post out. After a dusk ATV ride Laurie and I drove back to Arches National Park around midnight to do some star gazing. The view was almost as good as the one at cousin Judy's place in Nevada. There was a little light from Moab but the Milky Way was clearly visible.

There was a very gentle breeze carrying just a hint of the day's heat and the usual desert low humidity. We sat in our camp chairs in the dark, the quiet, the gentle breeze and talked about how perfect it was to be spending our Saturday night there.

I played around with some star photography but did not get what I wanted. We had plans to do it again the next night but the weather did not cooperate. Oh well. But it was a wonderful time with Laurie.

Jul 2, 2011 Sat 11:54:50 PM MDT Altitude: 4454 ft Camera: Nikon D90Display on Google Map
Time lapse photography in Arches National Park.
Jul 2, 2011 Sat 11:58:42 PM MDT Altitude: 4454 ft Camera: Nikon D90Display on Google Map
Time lapse photography in Arches National Park. The hazy strip in the right half is the Milky Way.
Renting ATVs in Moab, Utah

TagsConfederate Statues  (32),Motorcycle  (101),National Parks  (9),Odd  (1),Route 66  (33),Unemployment  (6),Zombies  (1)