Drifting and Taking the Road Less Traveled

Jul 25, 1986 Fri0
After visiting the Cascades area of Washington in 1984 I knew I had to return. I used my frequent flyer miles and booked a first class ticket to Washington in 1986 and hiked about 65 miles in the North Cascades Wilderness area over a week. I kept a travel diary and have reproduced it here as I wrote it in 1986.

9:00PM I'm in Seattle, WA near the airport. The last two days I've just drifted with the wind. Not going anywhere in particular, just enjoying driving in this beautiful country. Last night I stayed in Harold's motel in Ellensburg, WA.

I ate 2.5 pounds of cherries yesterday. Stopped at the petrified forest. Wednesday I ate in the same Burger Queen that I did 2 years ago. when I went into the food joint I really stunk. I couldn't smell myself out in the woods but I could inside a building. My body wasn't so bad but I wore the same pants and shirt for 6 days. Thursday morning the first thing I did was to wash all my clothes. I've just been real laid back these two days. Yesterday I stopped in Ellensburg about 3:00PM. Everything is still ok with my house. I still close on Monday.

1986 Jul
1986 Jul
1986 Jul
1986 Jul
A Very Long Hike out of the Wilderness

TagsConfederate Statues  (32),Motorcycle  (101),National Parks  (9),Odd  (1),Route 66  (33),Unemployment  (6),Zombies  (1)