A Very Long Hike out of the Wilderness

Jul 23, 1986 Wed0
After visiting the Cascades area of Washington in 1984 I knew I had to return. I used my frequent flyer miles and booked a first class ticket to Washington in 1986 and hiked about 65 miles in the North Cascades Wilderness area over a week. I kept a travel diary and have reproduced it here as I wrote it in 1986.

10:00PM I'm in a motel at Pateras, WA. I decided to come on out. I made very good time. 13 miles in 6.5 hours with a full pack. I didn't get started until 11:00 this morning. The shuttle was late and a slow woman was driving it. I ate my baked beans before I left the woods. I wasn't going to bring them back out after carrying them 50 miles. More later, I'm tired.
Jul 23, 1986 Wed
My 6th day in the woods and the day I walk 11 miles, all up hill, to get back to my rental car.
Jul 23, 1986 Wed
Hiking 11 miles, all up hill, returning to my rental car on my last day in the woods.
Jul 23, 1986 Wed
Hiking 11 miles, all up hill, returning to my rental car on my last day in the woods.
Jul 23, 1986 Wed
The end of my hiking adventure.
Beautiful Cascade Pass

TagsConfederate Statues  (32),Motorcycle  (101),National Parks  (9),Odd  (1),Route 66  (33),Unemployment  (6),Zombies  (1)