Tag:   Generator

Generator Wiring and Power Transfer Switch

I have a Honda EU3000 generator that I love. When traveling across country we sometimes just need to put some miles behind us for 3-4 days. With the Honda we can stay in Wal-Marts or truck stops for quick overnight stays while having the comfort of air conditioning and TV. During the hot months I also run the air conditioner in the RV while on the road.

Generator Cord

The only way to get the full 2800 watts from my Honda generator is to use the 30 amp twist lock outlet. I have a setup that works well with my generator in the back of the truck.

Converter Switch

On a recent trip out west I used my Honda EU3000i generator every day. It powered my 13,500 air conditioner, the power converter, the refrigerator and a crock pot. Everything worked fine except for one hot day near Page Arizona when the generator kicked out due to overload a couple of times.

Voltage Meter

Some campgrounds are fairly old and the electrical system may not be able to handle the power that modern RVs consume. Also since I run my generator often I like to know that it is putting out sufficient voltage. I got the meter in the photo below from Camping World.

Running Generator Indicator

My Honda EU3000i generator runs so quiet I can not hear it inside the truck, even if I roll down the windows. I like to know whether the generator is running or not.

Honda EU3000i Weather Proof Cover

I recently purchased a Honda EU3000i generator. During summer travel I run a generator all day to power the air conditioner in my Wildcat so restroom breaks and lunch can be enjoyed in comfort and also to power a crock pot for the evening meal. I wanted some way to protect the generator from the weather.

Wiring for a Generator

In North Carolina the summer months can get very hot and muggy. When my boys and I travel, we use the camper frequently on the road for meals, bathroom breaks, etc. I like going into a cool camper on a hot muggy day. I have a Honda EU3000i generator that I carry in the back of the truck. I run the generator while I'm on the road so I can run the air conditioner in the camper.

TagsConfederate Statues  (32),Motorcycle  (100),National Parks  (9),Odd  (1),Route 66  (33),Unemployment  (6),Zombies  (1)