Departure for a North Cascades Washington Wilderness Hike

Jul 17, 1986 Thu0
After visiting the Cascades area of Washington in 1984 I knew I had to return. I used my frequent flyer miles and booked a first class ticket to Washington in 1986 and hiked about 65 miles in the North Cascades Wilderness area over a week. I kept a travel diary and have reproduced it here as I wrote it in 1986.

I am probably near the Mississippi River, cruising at 39,000 feet. I am always amazed at how quickly the pollution disappears. I can see for many miles. Much more than up and down the eastern coast. The pilot just said that we did indeed just fly over the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Flying first class is great. They really pamper you with food. I see a lot of farm land out the window now.
I spent a week in a wilderness area where I had to pack in all my food and haul out all my trash. This is a photo of the food I prepared for my wilderness adventure. This trip was one of the most memorable of any I have taken in my life. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventure.
1986 Jul
The food I packed for a week long wilderness hike in the North Cacades of Washington.
Mount Saint Helens

TagsConfederate Statues  (32),Motorcycle  (101),National Parks  (9),Odd  (1),Route 66  (33),Unemployment  (6),Zombies  (1)